Gardening version 2023 has begun!
Our friend Heather brought us some beautiful onion starters which was all the motivation we needed to get out the rototiller and start to prepare the ground for a garden. There are still many weeds that need the dirt shaken off them and removed, more topsoil and mushroom compost to be mixed in, and many more seeds to be sown. But we didn't want to pass up the opportunity of a beautiful day to get our hands in the dirt and veggies in the ground. We also planted some potatoes that had some serious eyes as well!
It is equally amazing and frustrating how well weeds grow in the garden. They flourish. It's probably because they also enjoy the good soil and enriched ground, the intentional watering when it doesn't rain, and the beautiful music we sing as we work (Larks's song in the video clip on FB is priceless!)
Satan, too, uses everything he can to turn what God intends for goodness to be distractions and discouragement and to steal all the nutrients that are meant for us. God desires for us to grow and produce fruit--some 20, 50, or even a hundred fold . . . but the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10) and that's not always by scary looking mice, rabbits, or deer. He also uses flowering weeds that my little girls argue against pulling out, and pokey weeds that cause the weed-pickers to hesitate or quit because it becomes too uncomfortable. Satan uses whatever he can to keep us from flourishing. From achieving our full potential. Or bearing much fruit.
May we be diligent, friends, to put in the work needed to prepare the soil of our own hearts and minds that God's word might truly flourish in us--even as we sow the seeds of the gospel in others.