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Empowering & Encouraging - 3.17.2023

Parks had speech meet today. He did well. Really well. He knew his verses and remembered to look at the crowd (though he admitted he looked at the judges a lot!) and was pretty composed for a kid standing in front of the larger crowd that was gathered in the gym.

But he is my kid and I challenged him to more. On Fridays the trip to school is just he and I. And today we spent the whole ride talking about how to be an encouragement to the other kids that might be nervous. We talked about how to tell if someone's nervous. We talked about the words and actions that might help someone feel less afraid. And I told him that I was sooo confident he would do his best at presenting, but that he might have a couple chances to do something even more important than doing awesome on his speech--he might have the chance to show the love of Jesus by being the peace and encouragement that someone else needs.

Now, I know that is expecting a lot from an eight year old, but to he who has been given much, much shall be required. And those who can need be investing in our kids to change the world...and that world that needs changing is here. Now. And desperately in need of more kids who can speak life and truth and show the love from Jesus. We need to be empowering and encouraging our kids to change the world. One day at a time. One encouragement at a time. Gently pushing them to be all the God has created them to be - nothing less.

So as proud as I am for doing his best, I am equally as proud for him making effort to look for how he could intentionally be God's hands and feet today.


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