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Devotions for 3.1.22 - Chaos on Ice

Chaos on Ice

Before the ice melted, we went outside for some fun in the warm weather. We found a freezer chest that had filled with water, froze, and now was ready for us! I obliged and turned the freezer chest over so the ice could be better studied. They were enthralled.

We took turns sliding with our feet on it (as daddy held them up to prevent bloodshed), we ran our hands over it to see how cold it was, and, alas, they even tried eating pieces that had broken off (much to my chagrin, that is what I realize Ez was doing as I took the picture!). Maggie was confused as to how the ice got there. I tried explaining that because it was cold, the water reacted that way. And when we make noodles on the stove, the water gets hot and turns to steam. I reminded them - hopefully more for Parks to overhear - that how WE respond when things get "hot" matters as well.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it's in hot water.” Nehemiah 8:10 challenges us with the words, "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

When hard times come that might bring grieving, may GOD be the strength needed, the joy in our souls and our songs, and may HE get the glory from how we respond faithfully.


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