Pastors & Staff
Nathan Crissman
I have been the senior pastor at Berkey since 2011. Like my (older) brother Pastor Jason, I was raised at the church, having been baptized on April 1, 1989 in the front of the sanctuary by our dad, Pastor Earl. My passions are preaching, teaching, evangelism, and missions.
I have found the most meaningful moments of growth in my walk with God have not been through my success, but through my failure. There is something about humiliation that allows for God to really use us for His kingdom. Too often we become concerned with how we look when we fall flat on our face instead of how God can use even this moment. When we take our eyes off of ourselves, how we feel, how we look, or how we sound, God has the opportunity to do much good through our lives and get all the credit. The goal of the disciple of Jesus is to be useful for His kingdom, and this is best done through obedience and sacrifice. One of my favorite scriptures supports this, "But when they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were amazed and took note that these men had been with Jesus" Acts 4:13.
I am married to my wonderful wife, Daniela. We have four (lively) children: Rachel, Timothy, Titus, and Theophilus. Understanding the need to be equipped for this ministry, I have been privileged to study for my BA at Messiah College, MA in English at IUP, MA in Religion at Liberty Theological Seminary, as well as my Master’s of Divinity also at Liberty Theological Seminary. Currently, I am working on my PhD in Communications from Regent University.
Tel: 814-244-1410
Associate Pastor
Earl Crissman
I came to Berkey as a young adult and have had the privilege of serving among the people here since 1975. This is the place God chose for me to minister. I was the Senior Pastor from 1975 until 2011. Since then it has been my great privilege to watch and support my sons Nathan as the Senior Pastor and Jason as the Youth Pastor. I see the church as a family. In our forty-five years here I have watched people be born and dedicated to the Lord as infants, grow up and choose to be baptized. Then we watch those same people get their first job, marry, establish homes of their own, dedicate their babies to the Lord and watch as those kids choose Christ as Savior as well. We have seen young people on fire for the Lord who have gone off and done mighty things in God’s power and we have watched the grandchildren of the saints of old carry on the mission of the church here at home. It has been a lifetime of loving God’s people. My role at present is visiting, comforting, challenging, and sometimes burying those in our church family. Sometimes He has given me the opportunity to minister to those in the community who have no pastor. My goal is to prepare people to meet God. I serve Him as the worship leader on Sundays and lead the Monday night prayer gathering.
As for education, I graduated from IUP in 1971 in business management and from Ashland Theological Seminary in 1975 with a Master of Divinity degree. I have been married to Sharon since 1972. We have five sons, one daughter, and 17 grandchildren. God has richly blessed our family and the Berkey Church family as well.
Tel: 814-248-1492
Associate Pastor & Youth Pastor
Jason Crissman
Serving youth and the church has been something I have been blessed with doing since 1997. My aim is to point others to Jesus through consistency in what is taught as well as what is practiced. I know firsthand that God rescues sinners, as it says in 1 Timothy 1:15-17, I count myself blessed beyond all favor that God should rescue me from the depths of sin and decide to use me for his kingdom. It is by God's grace that I get to take part in God's ministry here in the Windber/Central City area, so I am willing to do whatever possible to reward the work and patience God has invested in me.
With that being said, I enjoy most working with the youth, children, and families in the great variety of activities here at Berkey. Our goal is to reach the spiritual needs of folks while also trying to practice practically meeting people where they are. This is why we provide meals at Wednesday night Bible study and have free soup and salads once a month. It is the passion behind our ministry in the government housing in Windber where we play games, give away books, and feed the folks while we share the gospel message each week during the past five summers. The passion to walk beside people where they are is part of the foundation of the Kentucky mission trips to the holler as well as our Bible study for teenage moms. God's plans are big and it is exciting to be part of a church who wants to reach the world for Jesus.
On a more personal note, my family is comprised of my amazing wife Vikki and our five wonderful children. We have great adventures and love to serve as a family. I have a history degree from Messiah College and a Masters in Theology with a Church History cognate from Liberty Theological Seminary. I currently also teach high school history and Bible at Johnstown Christian School. | Tel: 814-619-8262