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    Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples, Changing the World

Berkey Church

Weekly Church Announcements:
September 29 - October 6, 2024

Weekly Church Agenda

*Indicates there is a change in the traditional weekly schedule.


9.29.2024 (Sunday): 10.6.2024 (Sunday): Services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.; NO Sunday school at 9 a.m. due to Baptism; meal following church service ​


9.30.2024 (Monday): No Cookie Outreach Ministry at 6 p.m. or Adult Bible Study at 7 p.m. due to Revival at 7 p.m.


10.2.2024 (Tuesday): Stadium Terrace Outreach at 4 p.m. - canceled; Revival @ 7 p.m.


10.3.2024 (Wednesday): Wednesday Night Bible Study from 6:30-7:45 p.m.


10.5.2024 (Wednesday): Women's Fall Harvest Gathering @ 11 a.m.


10.6.2024 (Sunday): Services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.; Sunday School at 9 a.m.; Lovefeast & Communion in the evening


Other Announcements



-Sunday, September 29, YOUTH can join us for Baptisms at 9am and 10am Revival service; 7pm Revival Service

-Tuesday, September 24, YOUTH can join Pastor Jason at Stadium Terrace ministry at 4pm

-Wednesday, September 25, join us for Wednesday night Bible study from 6:30-7:45pm​

-Sunday, September 29, YOUTH can join us for Baptisms @ 9am Sunday School and 10am service; Lovefeast & Communion @ 6 p.m.




-WOMEN'S HARVEST PARTY: Join us on Saturday, October 5 for our 2nd Harvest Party at 11am. We were unable to have a Garden Party this summer so we are having a Garden/Harvest gathering! It is always a special time of fellowship and an opportunity to share all of God's goodness in this season. If you are interested in bringing a garden/harvest inspired item to share, you are more than welcome but are not expected to. Bring a friend too! If you know you are able to attend, please let Diane know.


-FAITH WALK: The United Churches and Windber Community is having their annual Faith Walk, formerly known as the Crop Walk, is scheduled for Sunday, October 6. You can walk, or simply donate towards this cause. Those walking are asked to seek donations to go towards the cause. Donation will go towards the Windber Food Pantry, Windber New Day, and a variety of other organizations. If you are interested in participating as a walker, or pledging a donation, please let Bryan Mahler, or contact the church.​




1. If you have yet to receive a monthly church newsletter and wish to do so, please connect with Pastor Jason. October's newsletter can be found in the Narthex. We will be sure to start sending one to you if you let Pastor Jason know!


3. BAPTISM and MEMBERSHIP classes: What a wonderful Sunday of Baptisms! We are so excited for what God has planned for all of our new members and those who were baptized this Sunday! Quick reminder: Pastor Nathan is having additional Baptism classes on Sundays after the 10am service. Talk with Pastor Nathan if you are interested in taking this next step in either joining Berkey or being baptized. 


4. Reminder that Women's Fellowship meets the 2nd Thursday of the month for lunch and an informal meeting at Carlyn's in Windber at noon. Ladies will be meeting next month in October. Check with Diane for additional details if you're interested so she can save you a spot!


5. Are you a young adult ... post high school to 30 somethings group? We meet every Thursday (or one Tuesday a month) at 6pm for dinner, brief devotion/prayer, and games! Connect with Jaymie or Jeanna for details for the next meeting.


6. WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY: We have started meeting again each Wednesday from 6:30-7:45 p.m. Ages are from preschool through 12th grade! The evening includes a Bible story and lesson, games, music, a science component, dinner and recreation time. If you need transportation or have further questions, connect with Jason or Sharon.


7. "Good Grains & A Great God" Study:: Pastor Nathan and Daniela have a new Bible study available on one Friday each month at 6pm where they will guide us on understanding the Ancient Grains revealed to us in scripture, as well as cook/make food using these grains. The health benefits will be discussed as well. Connect with us, or directly to Pastor Nathan, if you are interested in participating. The NEXT gathering date will be announced soon!


Other Upcoming Events & Important Dates​


September 29 - Revival Services: 8am/10am Revival Service, River & Indoor Baptisms at 9am & 10am; Meal following last service; Revival Service at 7pm

October 1 - Revival Service at 7pm

October 2 - Final Revival Service at 7pm

October 3 - NO Wednesday Night Bible Study - Fall Break

October 5 - Women's Fall Harvest Gathering (11am)

October 6 - 8am/10am Worship Service; 9am Sunday School; Windber Comm. Faith Walk; Love feast & Communion 6pm

October 7 - Monday Outreach (6pm) and Bible (7pm)

October  8 - Stadium Terrace Outreach (4pm)

October 9 - NO Wednesday Night Bible Study - Fall Break

October 13 - 8am/10am Worship Service; 9am Sunday School



​*** If you have any additional announcements that you would like to share, connect with Pastor Jason.

"Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly into heaven, without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Let us see to it that the devil will hold a thanksgiving service in hell, when he gets the news of our departure from the field of battle."


C.T. Studd


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Loving God,

Loving People,

Making Disciples,

Changing the World

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